Over the summer, I had an opportunity, to spend a little time in Vegas, so I couldn't leave, without checking out the Punk Rock Museum. There's an impressive amount of memorabilia to see, so if you go, I recommend carving out a decent block of time. As you might expect, the majority of artifacts are from the US, and some larger UK bands. Walking through, trying to take it all in; I couldn't help but think how organized, and sterile the environment was. Far, from the primitive, chaotic, origins, most of the stuff came from. I was hoping, I might strike up a conversation, with someone knowledgeable. I talked to a guy for a while, but unfortunately, he didn't know much. Overall, there's lots to look at, and I never felt rushed. They have lots of records, placed in the display cases, throughout the museum. I realized, I have a copy of nearly every record they had. I think I may have a sickness, lol! Anyway, I'd recommend checking it out, if you're in the area.
Here's their web site.