Sunday, July 9, 2023

Dick N The Donuts - Saturday Night

 Once this one gets it's hooks in you; it's hard to get it out of your head. Super catchy chorus that will have your head boppin' in no time, plus a sing along on the B side, in case you feel so inclined. There's little info on these guys, other than being from Ontario, Canada. Credits on the record go to Bickerton and Waddington.  My copy is sleeveless, as most appear to be. I borrowed this picture of the sleeve from Discogs, so you can see what it looks like. As always, if any of you have info to share, it's most appreciated. I included Flac and MP3 versions as was suggested. 

Ransom Records 1981

1. Saturday Night
2. Sing Along With The Donuts


Frank Miller said...

Sure my pleasure!

o said...

nice one, thanks.

Mitch Useless said...

Is ist an error that both songs are identical
or at least 2 nearly identical versions,
but different song titles ????

Frank Miller said...

Side 2 is a sing along. Same version, minus the lead vocals. Lol..

Anonymous said...

I can share alot about these guys as he is my father-in-law his name is Robert manley and he formed the band dic n the donuts as well as ransom.

Frank Miller said...

Thanks for reaching out. You can email me, the bands info.