Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Enemy - I Need An Enemy

    The Enemy were a Seattle, Washington four / five piece; around from 1978 to 1982. During that span they released two singles, this being their first, the second, "Bang Bang You're Dead B/W Trendy Violence" in 79. Originally called the Fruitland Famine band, a name change ensued, late 1977. The Enemy have been mentioned as one of the west coast's first wave punk bands, as well as one of, if not the earliest Seattle punk bands to release a record. Of course, The bands story wouldn't be complete, without discussing Seattle's short lived, first punk club, "The BirdHere's another, if you feel so inclined. I've always thought of this record as one of the more underrated punk gems of it's time. Suzi Grants vocals on Want Me, far as I'm concerned is one of the best female fronted punk tunes, period.

Line Up

George Gleason - guitar, vocals
Damon Titus - guitar, vocals
Suzi Grant - Vocals
Paul Hood - bass, vocals
Peter Barnes - Drums

King Tut Records 1978

1. I need an enemy
2. Want me


jonder said...

Nice one! Paul Hood later joined Toiling Midgets.

Frank Miller said...

Absolutely, thanks for commenting!

Anonymous said...

Hi Frank,
many thanks for great music, and a real great blog.
Glad you're back! Missed SHOTGUN SOLUTION.

Frank Miller said...

Hi, you're welcome. Glad you enjoy the blog!Thanks for commenting!