Saturday, March 1, 2025

Scandal (Comic Book Hero Single)

a re-post, by request, new rips. Originally posted, 1- 22-2011, Enjoy!
   Here's a great little record, from a band I know nothing about. It was the second release from Local Records, an independent label based in Tottenham, who mainly released Reggae, and, Dance records. I can only assume the band was from that area as well.

Local Records 1979

1. Comic Book Hero
2. Casualty Of Love

♫♫►►Our Souls Were Bare◄◄♫♫


roberto said...

Many many thanks,i sold this 20 years ago,saved it on tape,and lost this later...great a side,you've make my day...

Frank Miller said...

Glad I could help, thanks for the comment.

yo said...

Hi Frank, not sure if stil possible to re-up this gem? it's so rare... it'd be much appreciated. Thanks

Frank Miller said...

Sure, I need a little time though.

yo said...

Hi again, wondering if you are still able to re-up this one please?. Thank you

Frank Miller said...

Sorry, completely forgot. I'll try to get it by this weekend.

yo said...

thank you Frank! All the best